In the wake of Cyclone Alfred, we reflected on feelings felt and lessons learned

When you're on a Spiritual path, all experiences feel significant as opportunities for expansion and learning. When we heard that a potential cyclone was imminent - the first for Southeast Queensland in 50 years - we knew it was important to do what we could to transmute the energy for protection for ourselves and for all others who could be affected. Although on the island we knew we would not face flooding - as the water runs through the sandy soil and into the sea, the island has many tall trees and there was potential for some of these to fall on houses or buildings and for debris to be blown about and cause damage. My friends and I called an early meditation, and with light language, communicated with the cyclone, the sylphs of the air, Mother Earth, Father Sun, and the mermaid who travels with me - Merlina.

Although for some time I have been aware of which beings or consciousnesses I am channeling, for the first time, I am beginning to feel the messages that are being conveyed through the light language that I channel. I have begun to speak them out aloud during the light language meditations. We didn't record the meditation session before the cyclone, but my friend pointed out that at no time were we given an explicit outcome - we were invited to enter the uncertainty and to trust. Mother Earth and Father Sun seemed serene and sang comforting songs, reassuring us that all this had happened many times before and would happen again. The trees were similarly composed. I felt that they were saying ''If we fall, we fall'', and that they understood the circle of life and the need to accept the closing of cycles. Merlina and the sylphs were comforting, also, and we knew they were negotiating with the cyclone to be as calm as possible.

After the meditation, we pulled some cards from Rebecca Campbell's Water Oracle Deck Rebecca Campbell | International bestselling author, teacher and mystic., which felt appropriate. The message I received was to be 'in' the experience rather than to resist it. As a result, this is what we decided to do. We knew the cyclone would precipitate the process of letting go of things that were no longer needed or serving us. We wondered what these would be. Although six days without electricity was trying, I embraced the opportunity for a digital detox and stayed in the house for several days reading my favourite childhood novels. It was nice to tune out of the world for a few days. When it was safe to leave the house, I spent time with friends and my great-aunt who lives on the island. It was lovely playing UNO with the children across the road and experiencing the camaraderie with the community at the local cafe.

In our light language meditation in the aftermath of Cyclone Alfred, we heard from Cyclone Alfred himself, then from Mother Earth. We thanked Alfred and Mother Earth for their protection during the wild weather. I felt that, in their fast-moving language, they were assisting us to process some of the agitation of the past few days. Mother Earth then sang a soothing song for us, reassuring us that everything was now okay. I called the trees in, because they were the most affected by the cyclone. I felt that they were asking us what we had learned from the experience. They said they were happy to be conduits for our learning. Their language was very deep, and it felt like they were imparting wisdom to us and asking us to find that wisdom within ourselves. Then, I called Merlina in, so we could thank her for her support during the storm. Her language was faster than I have experienced it - it felt like she was very excited to speak to us. Her song sounded very optimistic. There was lots of movement in it – almost like butterfly wings fluttering, and it sounded like she was very excited for our journey going forward. It felt as if the sylphs of the air wanted to speak. They seemed equally excited for us, as their language was very quick and fluttery too. I felt that they were saying that now that we’ve let go of a lot of things, our hearts will start to take flight more and more. I felt they were sending us love.

Because we are experiencing the full ruby moon at the moment, we communed with the moon and listened to her song. I saw rich purples and impressions of tigers’ eyes and stripes, symbolising strength and power. I felt that the moon was wanting us to look deep within ourselves – the language felt Spiritual and profound. We then heard from a blue butterfly that was connected to the full ruby moon. I saw flashes of vibrant purple, outlined in yellow, while the butterfly sang. Perhaps the butterfly symbolised our potential transformation following this weather event. I felt that she was saying that, although we should look within and reflect on our learning during this experience, it shouldn’t be a painful experience – we should bring lightness and gentleness to it. We then thanked Father Sun for coming out for us, for drying the ground, and for bringing light, healing and optimism to us. I felt that he was telling us that even though we couldn’t see him for several days, he was there. I felt that he was saying that we were welcome, and that he was acknowledging our patience in trusting that he would come back out. He reassured us that he would always be there, constant. I felt he was also saying that spending time in the sun would help us to connect with Spirit and higher realms, as it brings a beautiful light energy. The meditation ended with some Venusian song to soothe us and leave us Spiritually rejuvenated.

It was interesting to observe the behaviours and emotions of others in the community during the weather event. Naturally, it brought out both positive and not-so-great behaviours. It's important to remember that the not-so-great behaviours are brought on by stress and fear and are an opportunity for our empathy and understanding. Most of my friends, including my 90-something-year-old great-aunt, were women alone in their houses during the two challenging nights of Cyclone Alfred. I think we should all feel proud of our strength and faith during that time, and how we were generous and tolerant with each other. I heard this morning, that astrologically, this is a time for weather events such as cyclones. Following the full ruby moon, we will experience the autumn equinox. Apparently, this is a powerful time for shifts in energy and consciousness. I heard also, this morning, that it is an especially potent time for people who have their birthdays late in March, towards the 29th. This is exciting for me, as my 44th birthday is on the 24th - 44, also, being a double number, is powerful. I am feeling multiple internal shifts at the moment.
In the weeks following this weather event, I hope we will remember the lightness and gentleness that are needed. There is no rush to return to the frenetic pace of the outside world. Rather, we can take the time to reflect on this experience as the profound journey it has been - choosing not to minimise it but to fully process its gifts and lessons. We should not underestimate its emotional impact, particularly for those who are naturally inclined to hold space for others during times of crisis. I felt emotional and very tired when the electricity came on the other day and the clean-up began. There had been a lot of people to talk to and to listen to - others' tears and frustrations that had to be witnessed. I found it very beautiful, but self-care was needed to compensate.
I strongly believe that events such as these are an inevitable part of 'the great awakening'. For evolution and ascension of consciousness, it is necessary that people reconsider their priorities. Sadly, it is only when things are taken away, that some people are able to awaken to what is of most value. An event such as this can assist us to reflect on our use of technology, our need for security and physical safety, our reliance on material possessions and comforts, and our ability to trust, to be generous, and to receive. Around the world, people are experiencing adverse weather events, conflicts, and political upheaval. Perhaps they are being asked to enter the uncertainty and to trust in Divine protection and guidance. After the storm may come sunshine, peace, and clarity. Embrace the beauty and joy of these - and rest...
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