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On Mission

Writer's picture: Penny Muller Penny Muller

An overview of my trip to Europe and the UK.

Placing pearls at the Temple of Debod in Madrid
Placing pearls at the Temple of Debod in Madrid

It's been a busy few weeks since I last posted here, and so much has happened that it hasn't felt easy to settle on a topic for this blog - there are so many topics I could choose. For insurance reasons, I was asked to discontinue my usual work for the duration of my trip. Because of this, returning home felt most aligned with the experience I wanted to have. I was able to stretch the trip out to six weeks, which felt like a miracle in itself. Naturally, the change of plans was a shock at first, but I have come to expect this in my journey. My higher guidance always seems to redirect me when it is time to move on, and I have learned to listen. My strongest desire has been to be fulltime 'on mission', and this change of circumstance enabled me to be so for the final four weeks that I was in Europe and the UK, as I didn't have to divide my time, energy or focus between my usual work and my Spiritual work.

The view from my window on my first morning in Montserrat
The view from my window on my first morning in Montserrat

I was given the official word of this on my first morning at the retreat with Rebecca Campbell in Montserrat. When I woke up at 6.30, there was an email that one of my lecturers wanted to talk to me, so I neatened my hair and went straight on Zoom for the 'bad' news. When she said goodbye, I was drawn to the window. Pulling the curtain aside, this is what I saw. I was overcome by the beauty of Montserrat on this morning, and many participants noted this to be one of the highlights of the week-long retreat. I have rarely felt as safe as I did in this rarified world above the clouds, and it was difficult to leave it for the real world after our five nights there ended. On the retreat, we felt we were remembering a sisterhood that we had known before, and that we were coming together so we could work together again. Bonding always happens in group settings such as this, but this was another level of knowing. We became immediate family.

Placing pearls in the courtyard of the Basilica
Placing pearls in the courtyard of the Basilica

I have not usually been comfortable to put myself forward, so I didn't expect to step so fully into my mission during these five days in Montserrat. After we took the funicular further up the mountain than you can see in the view from the Abbey, I was asked to sing light language, looking over the valley towards Barcelona. Standing at the lookout, beneath the cross, I felt called to sing again, for a small group of women who were with me. On the night before the full moon, with some gentle facilitation by one of the young women in the group, I found myself quietly making my way, with a group of women, to the courtyard of the basilica, with the intention of standing in the centre circle and singing. I felt quite daring, as we had encountered an angry security guard the day before. Incredibly, for the most part, we were alone.

The candle room at Montserrat - a sacred and soothing space for contemplation, gratitude, and intention-setting.
The candle room at Montserrat - a sacred and soothing space for contemplation, gratitude, and intention-setting.

I stood in the centre of the circle in this sacred space, under the night sky, with a group of soul sisters from around the world who I had only known for a few days - some who had been gathered and some who appeared at the perfect moment, and they made a wider circle around me. Having barely used my voice in three weeks and still recovering from a head cold, I placed full trust in my body and my voice, closed my eyes, and channeled sound. I knew there were tourists and others coming into the courtyard, and that the sound was echoing through the space (people heard it from their rooms at the hotel), but I stayed in communion with my sisters and with Spirit. When I opened my eyes, one of the women came into my arms, clung to me, and sobbed. I felt the others close in around us, touching us and holding us. Later, we stood in silence and let the bells ring through us. This was one of many moments of incredible connection that I experienced in Montserrat, but I am sure I will never forget the way it felt. It was one of the standout moments of my life.

The evening didn't end there, as I then ushered the women outside, to a quiet spot, and sang light language for them. Not everyone in the group had heard of light language - light and sound codes channeled from other dimensions, but they linked arms and huddled into a circle, holding space for this experience. Most of us had our eyes closed, so few witnessed what happened next, but one of the women in the group, in a state that was not within her conscious control, channeled light language with her hands, perfectly synchronised with mine. When I opened my eyes, you could have heard a pin drop. She came into my arms, and I held her up, while shaking, she returned to her body. Those who saw it felt it to be a profound Spiritual experience and were mesmerised by its beauty. Just before we had gone to the basilica, she and I had recognised the deep connection between us, and after this experience, we realised that we had channeled this language together many times before and that we most likely would do so again in the future.

Monserrat literally means, 'serrated mountains', and is named for the very unusual rock formations that almost look like people or wise beings/giants overseeing the land.
Monserrat literally means, 'serrated mountains', and is named for the very unusual rock formations that almost look like people or wise beings/giants overseeing the land.

I usually like to take a lot of time to process and integrate my experiences, but during this week, there wasn't time - the synchronicities, connections and epiphanies kept on coming. It felt overwhelming, but in the most beautiful way. During our final days in Barcelona, the women began to come to me individually, to quietly ask me for light language healings. I had been providing toning and light language for our group meditations at the island, but I hadn't thought of myself as a healer in this way, fully understanding that this type of work must be approached carefully. It happened very organically, however, and as my light language is gentle and soothing, and is coming from very high dimensions, I knew it couldn't do any harm. The women provided direction according to their intuitive knowing of the experiences they wanted, and they asked me to touch parts of their bodies such as their crown, throat or heart while I channeled light language with the intention of healing. What seems to be my default language, a language from Venus, came through for issues to do with relationships and sexuality, and the language of the mermaid, Merlina, who works with the voice, came through when assisting women with their throat chakras. When this happened, I knew I could trust myself to stay out of the way and allow these frequencies to be channeled through me. I simply thanked Merlina for being there and allowed her to do her work.

My introduction to Madrid - the most incredible park with many peacocks. When I saw peacocks again in my room in Naples, I felt this was a message to express without hesitation. There is no need to hide our gifts and our light.
My introduction to Madrid - the most incredible park with many peacocks. When I saw peacocks again in my room in Naples, I felt this was a message to express without hesitation. There is no need to hide our gifts and our light.

I told some of the women about our pearl project, Pearl Gateways, which I discussed in my previous two blog posts Pearl Gateways and The World's Children. I have also made a page on my website specifically dedicated to Pearl Gateways Pearl Gateways | Spiritual Blog, as well as a new YouTube channel for the project Pearl Gateways - YouTube. It was wonderful to see the interest in this project. Initiated by some of the women at the retreat, we held hands and set our intention, placing some pearls on the mountains and in the basilica at Montserrat. Some of the women have also been telling me that they have since been placing pearls in significant locations. I continued with this mission throughout my trip, and in consultation with my friends at the island, delved more deeply into the significance of the pearls and the importance of respecting the energy of each location when facilitating healing and transformation. I even started to share this project on Instagram, receiving only positive comments in response. The women at the retreat suggested that perhaps we were the pearls - creating a human grid across the planet to transmute energies and raise the frequency for ascension.

Toledo, the original capital city of Spain.
Toledo, the original capital city of Spain.

From Barcelona, I traveled to Madrid, enjoying the reflective time that I had during the train journey. During my week there, I endeavoured to spend as much time as possible in my feminine energy - so I could receive guidance for my next step rather than going into problem-solving mode to try to find a way to earn money to continue with my trip. It became very clear to me that the tendency that we have inherited from our society, of wanting to fill a hole as quickly as possible or putting many structures into place to prevent us from being in the 'in-between', was energetically counterproductive. To fill a space as soon as it opens, or even to prevent a space from having a chance to open, means that there is never an open space for new experiences, people, or even our greatest desires to manifest. Instead, we will continue to loop around and experience the same realities. So, I allowed space and resisted the urge to want to fill it. I enjoyed the sights and sounds of Madrid and nearby Toledo, noticing how I felt and interacted with the people, the language, and the opportunities to extend my comfort zone within a new culture.

As my grandfather had graduated from Earth school only a few weeks before my trip, I had a very strong knowing that I needed to visit Naples, the place where he was born and lived his early life. My time in Naples became a multifaceted Spiritual experience, starting with almost fear and loathing, and culminating in a deep love and reverence and a sadness to leave it. It's not something that's easy to explain, but in immersing myself in its history and culture, connecting with the spirit of the people, and learning about the Ancient Greek and Roman origins of the city, I discovered profound interdimensional and past life connections, as well as an even stronger respect for my grandparents and the courage and resilience they must have had to live through the Second World War, to witness the devastation of postwar Naples, and to make a new life for themselves and their family on the other side of the world.

The Tor in Glastonbury, with an incredible view of the lush green farmland on all sides.
The Tor in Glastonbury, with an incredible view of the lush green farmland on all sides.

Knowing I didn't have the means to continue this trip for much longer, there was one place I felt I had to go to. In my head, I kept hearing ''Glastonbury, Glastonbury, Glastonbury''. In the fairy communication workshop with Liv Wheeler, the fairies - the Kontomblé, told me, ''Glastonbury is calling you home''. I didn't know anything about Glastonbury, I only knew that for months, I was being called there. So, I made one last flight, to London, and then made the journey on coach and bus to Glastonbury. At first, I was struck by the contrast with my experience in Naples - a completely different environment. On my first full day, I climbed the Tor, not knowing why I was there, but assuming it was to commune with the land and to exchange energies with it. I asked that every man, woman and child on Earth come to embrace and embody unity consciousness - the consciousness of Arthur and his concept of The Round Table.

Walking through the gate of the Chalice Well Gardens, I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me, and I was told that the masculine and feminine ley lines intersect very close by, at the site of the spring near the Chalice Well. Because this wasn't the busy time of the year, I was able to have time alone to sing light language to the Chalice Well and to the waters of the sacred spring. I took my shoes off and waded in the healing waters, despite the very cold temperature. It felt natural, in that moment, to sing to the waters, and I realised later that people come to places such as this to release challenging emotions and have them healed. Because of this, pain and darker energies can collect, and therefore might require transmutation. Perhaps higher frequencies needed to be brought here, and that was part of my mission, hence the light language. I felt incredibly happy leaving the Chalice Well Gardens, and after some lunch, visited the remains of Glastonbury Abbey, where it is said that Arthur and Guinevere were buried. I had a tour in the rain with a lovely lady in costume, who explained the history of the Abbey in exceptional detail. Before the tour, I wandered around singing to the ruins, and after, I stood on the ley lines with two of the other participants and chatted about light language and my experiences in Europe. The lady said she felt she had to hug me, which was unexpected and lovely. This happened three times on my trip, where people I had only just met wanted to hug me, sometimes multiple times.

Although there were challenges returning to London, with Storm Darragh emerging the next day, keeping me in Glastonbury for a third night and incurring extra costs, I'm glad I listened to the internal guidance and trusted in the journey. At the Abbey, I saw multiple representations of angels in the sky, and I knew this was confirmation that I was meant to be there. I had a comfortable trip home via Shanghai and am now enjoying the company of my friends and the healing frequencies of the island. This was not a holiday, nor was it intended to be one. It was a rich transformational experience. I asked for expansion and that was what I received. It wasn't always easy. Expansion can be supportive and nurturing, and it can flow, but it is to be expected that there will be some emotional processing as we shed layers of ourselves and find new understandings. It would never have occurred to me that this would be the year that I would again experience overseas travel - not only once, but twice - in NY and in Europe and the UK. My belief in myself and the support of the Universal energies has strengthened through these experiences. I know that my experiences going forward will choose me and will be supported, and so there is no need to be concerned about whether an action makes sense according to society's standards. This is a different path and it's the one that I choose to follow. I have pledged my life to it. I know where I'm meant to be in this moment, and that's all I need to know.

*Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for resources and inspiration: Penelope Rose - YouTube 

As well as my new YouTube channels: Spiritual Traveller Diaries - YouTube and Pearl Gateways - YouTube

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I also have a New Project!!

I am publishing an ongoing portfolio of writing on Medium (articles, reflection pieces, short stories and poems), so if you are a member, please see my profile here: Penelope Rose – Medium 

See also:

My new look website Home | Spiritual Blog ( for my spiritual / self-development printables / templates. or for my eBooks.



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