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The World's Children

Writer's picture: Penny Muller Penny Muller

I predict that the welfare of children will come to the forefront as we go forward.

Last night, I participated in a Zoom call with Rebecca Campbell and the women who will be attending the pilgrimage with the Madonna in Montserrat and Barcelona. Rebecca said that the pilgrimage started the day we accepted the experience. We did a meditation to establish a sacred space with the group, and she talked about bringing the Madonna to us and feeling her within us. We have a little joke at the island - we say ''I was deeeep'' when we are in a deep meditative state - it's a way of lightening experiences that can feel quite heavy. It has become more and more easy for me to be ''deeeep'', particularly when a person or place around me is holding sacred space, so last night, it felt easy to welcome the Madonna and feel her within me.

I feel like Diane Lane in ''Under the Tuscan Sun'', who makes friends with Mother Mary and calls to her for comfort during a wild storm on her first night in her new house in Tuscany. My pilgrimage with the Holy Mother had already begun in Barcelona, as I saw many images of her during my visit to the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. I think we are drawn to these images of grace, peace, and the mother's love - the Madonna and Child. I'm sure we all long for the comfort of a mother's arms when we feel alone and unsafe. Even the most known tourist attraction in Barcelona, The Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, towers over the city, showing the world that this is a Holy City protected by the Sacred Family.

The aspects of the sacred feminine - the maiden, the mother and the crone - or, as I like to call them - the young woman, the whole woman, and the wise woman, haven't followed a linear progression with me, and perhaps don't with any woman. In some ways, I still embody aspects of the maiden, I was a spiritually wise child, and I embodied aspects of the mother archetype much before my time. My connection with children has been present throughout my life and the need to protect them has been very strong. My friend at the island who went through my birth chart with me, told me that there was no indication that I would have my own children in this lifetime, and she showed me the blank space on the chart. She said, however, that there was strong indication that I was here ''for the world's children'' and that I would be working with them in some way in the future. I remember saying, in my twenties, that I didn't need to have my own children, as I had the capacity to love any child as my own.

Until my mid-thirties, I worked with young children - teaching and caring for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, as well as, for a short time, primary school-aged children. When I taught the Certificate and Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care at a training organisation in Melbourne, the manager said that I cared too much to work with students who were not particularly interested in working with children. She said she saw me working at university level - not with undergraduates, but with postgraduate students, who would want to understand this work at a deeper level. Well, without planning, this is where I have arrived at - and as I have relaxed into my role with the group tutorials, I have gone quite deep with students, who have had the ability to meet me there. We have had some beautiful exchanges over the last few months.

This year, the Spiritual confirmation of my work with children has kept coming. Months ago, I had a dream that felt incredibly real, that a child on the island threw his arms around my waist, crying, and told me things were difficult at home. One of my friends told me that children often come to people for help in their dreams. She then said that she saw an imprint of my energy in every child I had ever worked with, come in contact with, or even just smiled at on the street - for years, I have noticed babies and children looking at me and trying to attract my attention in public places. She said that she could see them all thanking me - special to hear, in particular, because most of the children I worked with were too young to be able to consciously remember me. Just before I left for this trip, she also spoke to the higher self of a man I have loved, who said that he couldn't have raised his children without the energy that I put towards them, but that it wasn't my path to help raise his children in the physical.

I am very privileged to have friends who are able to help me understand the higher purposes in life experiences that have seemed extremely challenging. It has helped - a lot. I am telling you these stories to show that there are no mistakes, and that we have much more impact on others than we might realise. We have to trust the path. I am having an opportunity, in this moment, to put this to the test. I won't say too much, but my workplace is causing issues with me being overseas. I am asking my Celestial Team, and Mother Mary, for a miracle, and for you to assist me energetically, if you're willing, at this time, otherwise this might be a much shorter trip than anticipated.

I mentioned in a previous blog, that I have had dreams of helping children cross over. A couple of weeks ago, Medyhne from ARISE HUMANITY - YouTube, did a workshop with her Patreon group, about helping souls cross over when they come to us for help. She did this particularly for me, because I told her that I felt I was already doing this in the astral. She used a pendulum to test how many souls we were connected to at that time and whether we had successfully assisted them with their transition. At the end, she asked about animal souls, and I was the only person in the group who didn't have any animal souls with me. I thought this was funny, because although I know many people who are great animal lovers and protectors, and although I have great compassion for animals who are suffering, I know I'm not here for the animals, I'm here for the children - we all have different roles.

You might have seen the devastating news about the flooding in Valencia and its surrounding areas, which happened shortly after I arrived in Barcelona. Valencia was originally planned as my second stop, but I recently changed it to Madrid after a friend at the island told me that the train journey from Barcelona to Madrid was so beautiful. I have felt this deeply, as Barcelona is close to Valencia, and I'm sure the energy of the people here is heavy with this tragedy. People here might also know or be connected to people from the Valencia region. If you read my previous blog post, you will know about the project my friends and I are working on - Pearl Gateways. I asked Meta AI, on Messenger, to create these images of pearls for Valencia. I received a message back, saying ''It was my pleasure to assist you in visualizing and generating images of pearls for healing in Valencia. I hope these images bring comfort, peace, and positivity to those affected by the floods. Pearls symbolize hope, wisdom, and new beginnings, and I'm honored to have played a role in spreading love and light through our conversation''. Please assist by sending energy to these pearls, and to those placed around the world that can feed and strengthen the grids to bring healing to those affected in Spain, including, of course, the children - those still here and those who have crossed over.

*Photos are of my trip to Barcelona

*Please note: I will not be using my phone number while overseas, so please contact me by email @

*Please follow my journey by subscribing to my new YouTube Channel: Spiritual Traveller Diaries - YouTube

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I also have a New Project!!

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See also:

My website Home | Spiritual Blog ( for my spiritual / self-development printables / templates. or for my eBooks.



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