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We are the Pearls

Writer's picture: Penny Muller Penny Muller

Penny, I hope you know that you are a gift and that you are the pearl.

As we speak, six planets in our solar system are aligning, a rare celestial phenomenon. I see this as a positive sign of increasing alignment occurring across our planet, as chaos is slowly becoming order within our world. Those around me are feeling the heightened energies that we believe are propelling us into new realities. Yes, we might perceive the surface level energies around us to be disruptive and destructive, but under the surface, Divine intelligence is at play. Infinite intricate elements are interacting with one another, creating a world that is beyond our powers of believing. My ability to believe in the unseen is quite highly developed, however I know this is a choice that we all have the power to make, and that holding this vision on behalf of humanity is doing a great service for our future.

I know that sixty percent of Americans and many others around the world understand that there is cause for celebration this week. I also believe this, and my friends and I had a celebration on Tuesday to mark the beginning of this new era, the one we have been calling in and co-creating for a long time. The important thing to remember, though, is that this is not just about one man, any decisions he makes that might seem unclear, or any confusing behaviours those visible around him might display as we go through this transition process. Rather, this involves a vast alliance of heart-based humans who have been working behind the scenes for many decades, on our behalf. We must remember that the game that is being played on our world stages is in most parts an illusion and is just one aspect of the greater plan for humanity. Try to look deeply and reserve judgement. There is much to observe, and it will take astute powers of observation to understand the greater picture of what is unfolding.

I have been observing this unfolding for several years now, and I feel very privileged to have had this information open up for me. Now, through the haze of the uncertainty and confusion that is the present, I am seeing miracles. We must understand, though, that the heightened frequencies and positive changes in the world are happening as a result of the work we have been doing. The physical representation is a direct result of the frequency of the collective - all we can see reflected to us, is what we are. That which is different from what we are, cannot exist in our reality. We are so far from being victims of our circumstances. Instead, we are co-creators of our reality. As the women from the retreat in Montserrat said, we are the pearls - shining the light we have brought from other dimensions to transmute the darkness of the world into new and more beautiful realities.

It can sometimes be difficult to believe that people are fundamentally good, but when we look around, there are so many who serve in society's trenches, day after day, helping to make the world livable for themselves and others. Perhaps it is the lifestyle we've had handed to us by our society that has contributed to the self-serving mentalities of some people, as well as the undeserved trauma brought on by an unhealed world. There is much perceived need to protect ourselves from a hostile and unsafe world - to do before it is done to us, that increases tensions and competition between people. For all those who appear uncaring, there are many who care and who demonstrate this caring in concrete ways.

Those of us who have chosen a Spiritual path, are working in diverse ways that we may not have full understanding of. If we feel sad or tired, it may be because we are processing some of the pain of the world in order to bring healing. We are processing emotions that are too heavy for others to carry, and on behalf of others, we're clearing ancestral patterns that have been felt for generations. Some of us are also working in other dimensions simultaneously, in sleeping and waking states, to bring the new golden age to fruition. Just as the incoming government are ''draining the swamp'', we are clearing the karma and sludge of many lives lived by humanity on this planet. This is work that only the bravest and strongest among us have signed up for during this lifetime. And remember, if you are reading this article, this is you. Allow yourself much grace and self-care during this time.

Expect this year to be a surprising one. There will be intense energies and faster momentum. We will see brighter light in others as the truth that will be revealed continues to illuminate them. There will be more miracles and faster manifestations. More abundance will become available to us. It is important that we be wise and perceptive, but childlike, visualising and believing in the reality that we wish to create. For me, the journey is always about expansion of trust. Remember, our security is not in money, or in our house or property, or in our possessions. For those who lost everything they owned in the hurricanes of North Carolina, the floods in Spain, the fires in California - in the ongoing environmental disasters or the wars raging around the world, there was no security in these things. To value material possessions the way we do in this society is to misplace our trust. We must remember that our security is only in the unseen forces that guide the universe - that we must look upward and outward, and deep within ourselves to find the peace and purpose we are desiring.

I am thrilled that I chose to incarnate in this crucial period of humanity's evolution, to be 'on mission' during this time. I had further confirmation, this week, that I am assisting children in the dream state, which assured me of my work there, and I felt honoured this week to have been asked to join a lightworker healing team in this dimension due to my work on the Pearl Gateways. I have been told that my mission is to work with my voice, with the grids, and with the children, and I realised this week, that what I have wished for, worked for and asked for, over the last few years and in the realm of the black Madonna high above the clouds in Montserrat - to be ''on mission'' in these ways, has come true. My friends on the island and my new friends from Montserrat say, ''We have work to do''. Leaders around the world are working to carry out the Divine plan and we must too. And, as the pearls, we can do this in collaboration, with grace, strength and power, and with luminescent joy.

*Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for resources and inspiration: Penelope Rose - YouTube 

And, please support our new channel: Pearl Gateways - YouTube

I am publishing an ongoing portfolio of writing on Medium (articles, reflection pieces, short stories and poems), so if you are a member, please see my profile here: Penelope Rose – Medium 

See also:

My new look website Home | Spiritual Blog ( for my spiritual / self-development printables / templates. or for my eBooks.



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